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Showing posts from May, 2015

Boomer Ball Review

My 3 year old (super energetic) Boxer puppy LOVES this ball. The Boomer ball's smooth and hard plastic makes it very DURABLE, even against my dog's teeth which seem to so easily shred every other toy he has. It's about the size of a bowling ball, so my DOG CANNOT PICK IT UP... THIS IS A GOOD THING!! It means he cannot 1. get it stuck in his mouth, or 2. chew it up or make those awful grooves in it with his teeth which would make the ball sharp as happens with many other hard plastic dog toys . Plus, the fact that he cannot pick it up with his mouth makes it all the more addictive and challenging for him. He bats it with his paws and pushes it around with his nose, or tries (with fail) to grab it with his mouth. However, because it is so LIGHT WEIGHT, the boomer ball doesn't leave him with swollen or bloodied paws or nose as many have said happens with the jolly ball Jolly Pet 14-Inch Push-n-Play, Purple. It's pretty noisy inside when it's being roll