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Showing posts from June, 2015

June Pack For Paws Review

  Pack For Paws, who kindly sent me this box for review, is a monthly delivery service designed for your family members with paws! Each month you will receive a pack which includes 4 to 8 premium products that have been hand picked, tested and approved by the staff. First Look My Fur Baby is getting so spoiled this week with all these pet boxes and this one is no exception. The box was nice and full and contained lots of goodies! The Information Card Pack For Paws includes a card packed with production information, however, some of the items in the box weren’t on the information card.  I will separate those items, just in case. ~ Tumbleweeds & Eddie’s Treats . These treats are all natural and use only human grade ingredients .  I think Harvey is going to be generous and share these with his Girlfriend who would love these!  The dog treats clearly look like they are for dogs, but the brownies look like people food. Tumbleweeds & Eddie’s Treats