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Showing posts from April, 2016

Breville Blend Active

Hey Jelly Beans, Those of you who follow me on Instagram will know that there's a new love in my life-  The Blend Active Blender/Smoothie Maker by Breville.   Although I eat a varied, diet I struggle to get my 7 a day in, particularly during months where there's not much seasonal fruit on offer so I looked in to getting a juicer.  After a few discussions with people and a trawl through the internet I decided to get this little beauty in favour of a juice extractor. The great thing about blenders is that, unlike a juicer, instead of separating the pulp from the juice it just blends it all together. Less waste and lots more nutrients- boom. Plus the fact that for me, having more bulk to my drink would keep me fuller for longer.  I bought mine   from Home Bargains for £14.99. It's an absolute dream to use, and more importantly, to wash up. Put your ingredients in the bottle, screw on the lid, tip it upside down and clip into the blender. Then blend it all together,

Vlogging Again At Long Last

Hey Jelly Beans, It's been nearly a month since I last vlogged and Boy! Have I missed it. I am however super happy to announce I am now back and ready to go! Head over to SophieMarie now and check out what I have been getting up over the weekend. Don't forget to subscribe while your there to be alerted when I upload a new video. See you soon with a new post. x