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Showing posts from August, 2016

Grim Reaper's Hell Raiser Milk Chilli Chocolate Review

 Hello Jelly Beans! Anyone here like chocolate? Ok, Does anyone here like chilli chocolate? Yes I hear you shout, But have you had any quality chocolate? Grim Reaper's Hell Raiser Milk Chilli Chocolate  is chocolate for chilli heads. There are plenty of chocolates out there with 'a hint' of chilli but this one is not designed for those people. As Grim Reaper foods develops their packaging designs continue to grow. This bad has the great touch of being sealed on the edge with a ribbon with I love. The packet says "With Devilishly Hot Naga Jolokia, Sweet Orange, Clove Oil & Cinnamon   Can you Handle the Heat? Innocent milk chocolate corrupted with Naga chillies, orange oil, clove oil and cinnamon, bringing you heat summoned from the deepest depths of hell. This devilishly hot bar will test even the most seasoned of chilli lovers !" I would say that is a very accurate and honest description of the wonderful contents awaiting you inside. Each  bar of  He