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Showing posts from August, 2014

A Day In St Ives

Hey Jelly Beans. So yesterday I had a very rare day off from baking which was pleasant. Anyway a gorgeous day, to do what I like, where shall I go? So I jump in my car and head down to Cornwall to a lovely small town St Ives. I haven't been here since I was a small child, as this was destination for many a summer family holiday, and I though it would be nice to go back and see if anything has changed. The image below for those of you who have never been, is the beautiful town of St Ives. It is a small fishing town whom harbour is dot with hundreds of tiny little boat. The sandy beach you can see in this image brings back memories of my grandparents sitting here waiting for my parents to return from parking the car miles away, while my sister and I always had to buy a bucket and spade to build sand forts then watch it get washed away as the tide came flooding in. (Image Not My Own)   After parking the car and wondering through the narrow streets, I headed to the place whe

Last Day Of Berlin, Illness, Madness & Christmas!!!

Hey Jelly Beans, I can not apologize enough for the lack of blogging lately, but I have been so busy I haven't had time. Let me fill you in on what's been happened. Firstly my, last day in Berlin took a turn for the worst as I had to leave in the morning due to the illness I posted about the night before. This really upset me, as I had planned a trip to a Christmas market there to get a few bits for a competition and a few bits ready for Christmas its self. But with that said, I'm hoping to get back there again before November even if for a day trip. So I came home from Berlin with this illness which lasted for nearly 3 weeks. Doctors had told me it was a very, very bad case of a flu like bug and it would just leave my system when it was ready. This sadly ment I lost out on 3 small trips away so couldn't blog for you. But now I'm fighting fit and carrying on with life. So as many of you may know, I own my own cake business which from the middle of June, went