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A Day In St Ives

Hey Jelly Beans.

So yesterday I had a very rare day off from baking which was pleasant. Anyway a gorgeous day, to do what I like, where shall I go? So I jump in my car and head down to Cornwall to a lovely small town St Ives. I haven't been here since I was a small child, as this was destination for many a summer family holiday, and I though it would be nice to go back and see if anything has changed.

The image below for those of you who have never been, is the beautiful town of St Ives. It is a small fishing town whom harbour is dot with hundreds of tiny little boat. The sandy beach you can see in this image brings back memories of my grandparents sitting here waiting for my parents to return from parking the car miles away, while my sister and I always had to buy a bucket and spade to build sand forts then watch it get washed away as the tide came flooding in.
(Image Not My Own)
After parking the car and wondering through the narrow streets, I headed to the place where my family spent a whole lot of money and hours of fun and laugher, The Amusement Arcade. Hours and £'s were spent on the 1p and 2p slot machines all trying to win tiny plastic figures. I'm sure if I was to pop back to the little gift shop I could of bought one for a fraction of what I spent in one of these. But then, where is the fun in that? This time around I changed up a pound into 2p and set too, vowing not to spend anymore. Amazingly after just 12p inserted a cute little flip flop sea themed key ring fell into the tray, which I now have swinging happily on my car keys.
The Key Chain Won!

Just up from the Arcade last time I visited was a small pizza shop which made the most amazing Hawaiian Pizza. Sadly upon arriving the pizza shop was no more and had been replaced with a cute little ice cream parlour. No pizza? I'll have an ice cream instead. I have to applaud the people who decided to put and ice cream parlour smack bang on the sea front, the cue when I arrived was up over that hill the you can see to the left of the screen, all waiting for there treats. Clever people! I decided I would go for a cool and refreshing mint choc chip ice cream. After all it is my favourite :).
(Image Not My Own)

Another place that I had to visit was the St Ives Life Boat Station. When I was a small girl my Grandad and I always had to pay this place a visit and say hello to the team that work on this amazing boat. My Grandad would always give me a few coopers to pop into there donation bucket and then take me around showing and telling me all the different things on the boat. Then before exiting the building, we would go into the small shop and buy some Christmas cards which he always let me pick out. On the day I visited the boat wasn't outside due to the weather being slightly wet which was a shame as I would love to have go a picture of her in all her glory.
Now I don't usually give advice on my blogs, especially when I am blogging about a day out. But I feel I have a duty to warn any of you lovely people reading this that maybe interested in paying this beautiful place a visit about the towns local pests. As you can see from the picture below I am referring to the beautiful but pesky seagull. Now I have fallen victim to these creatures on a number of occasions. The birds down in St Ives are not scared of anything, the smallest sight (I even think smell) of food they may get watch out! I have had many a meal disappear before me including fish and chips, pizza, ice creams, a bag of sweets anything. I even have a scar on my hand to prove just how fearless these birds are. So please unless you want a seagull landing on your head(Which they will do) and taking your food please be careful how you are eating it in public. 
This image isn't mine but a friend who visited a few year back snapped, plus it made me laugh slightly.
So if you are looking for a lovely, relaxing day out, I would highly recommend St Ives. With no end of things to do whether it be pottering around the shops, having a go on the arcade machines or just spending some time building sand castle. This really is the place for you.
Thank You all for reading and look out for my next wild travels.
Love Ya'll
Hixxie Pixie


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