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Showing posts from January, 2014

I'm Back!!!!!

Hey Jelly Beans. I'm so so so sorry that I haven't uploaded a new post since last year! But as many of you would know, if you follow me on YouTube, Instagram and Twitter, I have got a new job now which takes up a chunk of my day and what with it being christmas and doing my first vlogmas I haven't had much time. But today that all changes. I'm going to put aside time each night, no matter how big or small and write a post to all you lovely people. So with that said I'm heading off to get some shut eye as today has been a long day. Tomorrow the fun and games begin. Love ya'll Hixxie Pixie Xoxoxoxox

Paris Day Three {Final Day}

Hey Jelly Beans. So today is my last full day. My case is packed ready for my flight home tomorrow. I have had such a fantastic couple of days. I really am going to miss this place so much. After polishing off my yummy full breakfast again I took a trip to Toulouse Market. A friend of mine had approached me before my trip and said I should pay it a visit as they have the most fantastic fish stall. I was not disappointed when I arrived. The array of different fish and shell fish that greeted me was incredible. They had everything from cod to haddock, salmon to plaice. Prawns to my favourite Scallops. So much to chose from. It was a shame I couldn't take any back to my family as they all love fish. Sad to say shortly after taking the above picture my camera battery died so I was unable to take pictures of some more interesting stalls. I also couldn't take a picture of this artist outside the market do character drawings. He was better than any I have seen in the UK bef

Paris Day Two

Hey Jelly Beans. Hope all is well with all reading this. So today I had the most delicious breakfast first thing. What a fab way to start my day. After devouring breakfast I booked a taxi and took a trip to this amazing place below. The Eiffel Tower.     Upon arriving the site above greeted me. Such a breath-taking sight which I never thought I was going to see. So what did I do next?? I climbed to the top!   Did you know.....  The Eiffel tower is 121 years old. It was built by Gustave Eiffel for the 1889 Exposition Universelle Since the 1980s, the monument has regularly been renovated, restored and adapted for an ever-growing public. Over the decades, the Eiffel tower has seen remarkable achievements, extraordinary light shows, and prestigious visitors. A mythical and audacious site, it has always inspired artists and challenges. As France’s symbol in the world, and the showcase of Paris, today it welcomes almost 7 million visitors a year (around 7

Paris Day One {First Travel Blog}

Hey Jelly Beans. As I type this too you I have started my wild travels with the first stop here in Paris. The journey was better than I thought which was great and currently relaxing in my fantastic hotel room here in Hotel Du Prince Eugene. This room is amazing! So spacious and well decorated. The bathroom is just jaw dropping. The shower is to die for. Greeted to a waiting bottle of there "finest wine" which personally I found a little on the watery side and a welcome note complete with a map of Paris and a few places they suggest I visit in my 2 days stay. But so far I'm impressed. The staff here all seem very friendly and all willing to help when ever they can. The area seems nice a peaceful not to touristy. Right now, I'm going to explore the hotel a bit more and then test drive that shower!!!! I wonder if there is a pool around here? I love a swim. Speak soon Hixxie Pixie xoxoxox