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Showing posts from February, 2014

Dublin Break. Day Three {Final Day}

Hey Jelly Beans. Today was my final day here in Dublin. I'm Currently sat outside a cute little café having a coffee after visiting The Science Gallery.   This attraction is well worth the visit. It's free, interesting and if you love anything Science related then you will love this place. I spent a long while looking around the exhibit's which were truly fascinating. I noticed that there were many families in there with younger children, so I suggest it would be a good place to visit during the holidays with children.   Once I had finished I took a stroll along the streets and pottered around all the little shops before taking a well earned break here.   Like I said today has been my last day here in Dublin. Cases packed and ready to head home tomorrow and I will miss it here.   Overall Experience.   I have had such a blast here seeing some truly amazing things. The Castle was amazing and worth the trip but the thing that stood out most for me was

Dublin Break. Day One & Two

Hey Jelly Beans. I'm here In Dublin and have been for two days now. I apologise for not blogging yesterday, but the hotel was experiencing technique Wi-Fi difficulties. But it's all back to working order now. So first things first. I'm staying in the Ashling Hotel, which I am extremely happy with already. The room is super clean, comfy, décor is great and it makes you feel warm and cozy when you step inside the door. Again the staff here are always pleased to help out where they can and were very apologetic for the internet problem as they knew I was a newly started travel blogger and YouTube vlogger and it would of interfered with my work. So so far so good for this hotel. Yesterday morning I had this amazing breakfast. It was very filling and very hunger satisfying. tea, coffee, fresh orange juice the works. I in fact didn't have any lunch after this mammoth meal. After, I hopped into a taxi and headed to Dublin Castle (Pictured Below). This castle was simpl