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Showing posts from January, 2017

Cheese & Broccoli Bites {With A Honey Mayo Sauce}

Good Afternoon Lovelies. Today's recipe is honestly one of the most delicious things I have eaten in a long while. Now you may not know this about me, but I'm a big fan of cheese. No matter how strong, mild, smelly or ripe I love it all. I also love Broccoli { Or as I call them for the kids Mini Trees}. So I decided this week as a light snack for after work to make these super yummy and super quick Cheese and Broccoli bites with a honey mayo sauce. These little treats are perfect as a party snack or a snack. In fact they are so quick and easy to make you could even make them fresh and have them as light dinner.... So sit back with your notebook and pen and enjoy these little bites packed full of flavour . You won't want to put them down. cheese & Broccoli Bites {With A Honey Mayo Sauce. prep time 15 mins cook time 8-10 mins total time 23-25 mins Author:  SophieMarie Serves: 24  servings ingredients Broccoli Cheddar (

Cheesy Pizza Rolls

Now if you are like me, and enjoy the odd occasion slice of pizza, then your in luck. My Cheesy Pizza Rolls is a twist on a traditional pizza. These little treats are perfect as a party snack or a snack. In fact they are so quick and easy to make you could even make them fresh and have them as dinner with a nice side salad.... So sit back with your notebook and pen and enjoy my little twist on a classic Pizza . Cheesy Pizza Rolls prep time 10 mins cook time 10-15 mins total time 20-25 mins Author:  SophieMarie Serves: 12  servings ingredients Pizza Dough Tomato Paste Pepperoni Ham Mozzarella Cheddar or Parmersan Salt & Pepper   Other Toppings You Like Can Be Used instructions Roll Out The Dough Into A Rectangle Cover With Tomato Paste Cover With Cheese, Ham & Pepperoni (Your Choice Of Toppings) Season With Salt & Pepper Roll Up Into A Tight Log Slice Into Around 12 Pieces & Place Onto A Lightly Grea

Seriously Delicious Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate.

The Christmas season is over and a new year is finally upon us all. So what with all the turkey and left over food/drink everyone will now, no doubt be fed up with looking at I have come up with a little winter warmer for those cold, dark nights when you want a sweet treat. Make way for my very scrummy Salted Caramel Hot Chocolate. This recipe is so thick and   creamy, the chocolate just coats you from the inside out.  I love nothing more than sitting inside, next to a roaring fire, with a big mug of hot chocolate – with a tall tower of whipped cream, of course. So sit back with your notebook and pen and enjoy my little twist on a classic hot chocolate. Seriously Delicious salted caramel hot chocolate prep time 5 mins cook time 5 mins Total time 10 mins Author:  SophieMarie Serves:  4 servings ingredients 2 Cups Milk (I used full fat or whole milk but use what you'd like) Chocolate Chips Caramel Sauce Whipped/Spray/Squirty Cre


Happy New Year To One & All!!! Hoping everyone had a fabulous new years celebrations. I know I most definitely did and now somewhat regretting all the fun I had. But with that being said, 2017 looks to be a crazy, busy and adventurous time for me. With so many new ideas planned for both my blog and of course YouTube channel, all you luck and lovely viewers will have an abundance of new content heading your way each week. YouTube - SophieMarie So for the lovely fans that follow me on YouTube as well as here, you are going to be seeing a shake up on my channel. As you are aware I try and upload a few different videos each week and don't have a main focus or theme. Well that is all about to change. Having done a lot of thinking and been asked by friends, family and subscribers to look into doing covers of different styles of songs, which I have to say, I firstly looked at them and laughed, then after come serious thought and consideration I have decided to give it a shot. So