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Showing posts from November, 2013

Frosty Morning Walk

Hey Jelly Beans Sorry I haven't blogged in the last two days. I have been so under the weather, I have been living in my bed. Aren't bugs and flu just the worst? Anyway enough self pity, I'm much, much better now and back to entertain :). As you can probably tell by title of this post, we have had some pretty heavy frosts the last couple morning. Harvey and I went out for our morning walk and my goodness, today was no exception. Let's just say I'm glad I took my camera with me! So the first thing that caught my eye, even before I left the car park was yes my little Mia. For those of you who don't know who Mia is, well she's my car! But enough about the name, the pattern on the roof was lovely. I would even go as far as to say simply beautiful when the weak morning sun was peaking through the hazy mist shining down on it   This next one was plain and simple, but still striking. I first noticed them when Harvey went charging through the field, k

Bath & Body Works Candle Haul!

Good Evening Jelly Beans As you can see by the title of todays post, I'm going to be talking to you about this super duper amazing gift package I received today from an anonymous gifter. Now I live in the UK and these candles are hard to find. I have watched hauls on YouTube and read reviews on these candles and wondered what all the hype was about. Well now I get to find out. Let me show you what I had in my parcel shall I???   Ok so here they are. Mint Chocolate, Apple Crumble, Ice Cream Shop and Salty Caramel. Now I haven't yet burnt any of them as I am currently going through my Yankee Candle Vanilla Cupcake (which is amazing). So I am personally looking forward to using them. My question today is.... Have you tried any of these? & If so what's your favourite and why? Please post your comments below. I love reading through them all. Also would any of you like my address to send me letters which I can then open on camera? I don't want you all to think th

Snow Day, Work and Cakes!!

Hey Jelly Beans. So today has been all go for me. Firstly, we had SNOW!!!! Ok I admit it wasn't a lot or didn't lay or anything but we had snow. Now I would say it was the first snow shower of the year but I would be lying. In February of this year, here in Devon we had a week of snow which was pretty amazing. It was about 2ft deep and 3 to 4 in places where it had drifted. Anyway back to today, we had a couple very heavy snow showers followed by extremely heavy hail showers. The stones had to be the size of ping pong balls (table tennis) so yeah they hurt when they hit you! Still apparently the UK is going to be hit by a mini Ice Age? Well I'm personally hoping this is true. I love nothing more than lots of snow then coming home to a roaring fire and hot chocolate. Besides if it is a mini Ice Age I want to meet Sid and Manny :). Now I don't know if any of you beans have heard that I have my own cake company. I love to bake and create new themed cakes, also experime

Mini Shopping Haul!

Hey Jelly Beans. As promised today is the start of Hixxie Pixie Mania!!!! So today, after work I went on a little shopping spree. Safe to say Christmas was on my mind and I had been telling myself all day that I was not to come home without something Christmassy for my room. 2 shops, 3 items all Christmas which I was super happy about. Let me show you what I have purchased shall I? So first I purchased this cute little number. A white glass vanilla candle with a red reindeer pattern on. I haven't yet burnt it, but they had one going in the store and it smelt divine. The store was a little gift shop that had so many nice Christmas items in I could have bought everything. The price I paid was a whole £1! Next up was this almost to cute for words bottle opener. Now I know I shouldn't be promoting alcohol drinking but when I saw this little guy with his little scarf I couldn't resist. As most of you may know I have the biggest obsession with owls. Well around Chri

Next Week Hixxie Pixie Mania Begins!!

Hi Jelly Beans. I can not say sorry enough for not blogging for a while. Work has been crazy and I have just been generally super busy. So as of next week I shall be blogging to you everyday. Yes, it will be beauty topics etc but I will also through some fun life snippets in too. I hope you all forgive me and hope you will continue to read. So put it in your diaries, on you phones, and set reminders that this Monday 18th November Hixxie Pixie Mania will be starting!! Speak soon. Loves Ya'll Hixxie Pixie Xoxoxox

I'm Taking On New Penpals!!

Hi Jelly Beans! Ok , I know I said that this blog was going to be beauty and life snippets so being my first post that's what your expecting. Sorry to disappoint but I need to let you guys know something exciting that I am doing. So last night, I had a lovely lady message me through instagram wondering if I would like to become pen pals with her. Now I have done pen palling before but I mean I'm talking like 7-8 years ago and that was only to London, this is Australia! So of course I jumped at the chance. So here's my thinking, maybe I should start writing again as a hobby. That way I can make new friends all over the world. If you wish to become a penpal with me {Any age, gender & location welcome} then email me at so we can have a chat and hopefully get writing as soon as possible!! Sorry again it wasn't beauty related but I will be back tomorrow with a review I promise. Loves Ya'll Hixxie Pixie xoxoxox

The First Of Many & A New Bloglovin Page

Hi Jelly Beans. So this is the first of many many more post that you will hopefully enjoying reading and find both helpful and just a little bit fun to read. I of course am new to this whole blogging adventure so bare with me if it takes me a while to get started. I hope to share my experiences with make up give you reviews and tutorials along with advice, as well as some snippets of my personal life. I have recently joined the bloglovin community and would love for everyone to follow on there as well as the other numerous sites and social sites I have (all of which are listed on the top bar. If you read through this blog and don't find something you are looking for, please don't hesitate to contact me on any of the available ways which are listed above. I look forward to sharing my thoughts and opinions with you all and hope you enjoy them too. Loves Ya'll Hixxie Pixie xoxox Follow my blog with Bloglovin