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Frosty Morning Walk

Hey Jelly Beans

Sorry I haven't blogged in the last two days. I have been so under the weather, I have been living in my bed. Aren't bugs and flu just the worst? Anyway enough self pity, I'm much, much better now and back to entertain :).

As you can probably tell by title of this post, we have had some pretty heavy frosts the last couple morning. Harvey and I went out for our morning walk and my goodness, today was no exception. Let's just say I'm glad I took my camera with me!

So the first thing that caught my eye, even before I left the car park was yes my little Mia. For those of you who don't know who Mia is, well she's my car! But enough about the name, the pattern on the roof was lovely. I would even go as far as to say simply beautiful when the weak morning sun was peaking through the hazy mist shining down on it
This next one was plain and simple, but still striking. I first noticed them when Harvey went charging through the field, kicking them up in the air and the icy edges seemed to scatter off the leave and fall to the ground like tiny snow flakes.
I don't think I need to say anything about this picture. It speaks for itself!
Now these two pictures, brings back such good memories for me. When my sister and I were very little, our Dad used to take us up on the moors where there was this huge conker tree. We would spend hours going through the spikey shells picking out the biggest and best ones to take home and dry, ready to play conkers at school the next day. Once we had picked our plastic bags full, we would go home to Mum making hot chocolate and spray cream. Now I'm unsure these are early, late or the right time of year to pick them. Regardless, this tree was filled with them.
Once we had returned home, I  found this stunning spiders web covered in these frozen little water droplets. Stunning seems a tame word to use, they look so delicate with the tiny jewels simply clinging to the threads.
So there you have it. Sorry it was just about my morning walk, but I wanted to share with you how stunning our surroundings are when you have a sharp frost.
If you go for a walk in the morning or even evening and see something like me, take a photo, send it too me via my email, (address listed above in Contact), Instagram or Twitter. Don't forget to use the hash tag #hixxiefrostywalk so I can see them all. Best photo will feature on here and my instagram page.
Hope you all have a fabulous weekend.
Love Ya'll
Hixxie Pixie



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